02.11.2022, 20:39 60126

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s supporters meet voters in Almaty rgn

They visited the children’s clinical hospital to debate the key goals of the development of the national healthcare system outlined in the election program of the candidate.
The members of the republican public headquarters of presidential candidate Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held meetings with voters in Almaty region, Kazinform reports.
They visited the children’s clinical hospital to debate the key goals of the development of the national healthcare system outlined in the election program of the candidate.
Then they met with the residents of Almaty region in the culture palace in Konayev. Some 200 people gathered there.
Besides, the members of the republican public headquarters met with mothers of many children to debate preelection initiatives of the candidate to support rising generation and social maintenance of the families in hardships.

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