11.11.2022, 17:50 29641

Kazakh Embassy in Serbia holds meeting on reforming country’s political system

An expert meeting was held at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Serbia to discuss the upcoming early presidential elections, as well as the progress and dynamics of systemic political reforms carried out by the President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
Kazakh Embassy in Serbia holds meeting on reforming country’s political system
Images | gov.kz
An expert meeting was held at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Serbia to discuss the upcoming early presidential elections, as well as the progress and dynamics of systemic political reforms carried out by the President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev.
The Ambassador of Kazakhstan Madi Atamkulov informed the audience about the complex transformations in the country in recent years as part of a consistent political modernization, as well as the results of legislative work for practical implementation of the republican referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution, the Kazakh MFA’s press service informs.
Invited experts expressed interest in the nature of the constitutional reform and initiatives supported by the people of Kazakhstan in June this year.
One of the leading Serbian political scientists, Head of the Center for Eurasian Studies at the Belgrade Institute of International Politics and Economics Dusan Prorokovic noted the experience of President of Kazakhstan Kassym Jomart Tokayev and his vision of the ongoing reforms combining generally accepted western rules of democracy and regional specifics. In his opinion, it is important to reach consensus when making key decisions for society.
Political scientist Dragan Bisenic drew attention to the unique experience of the state model of Kazakhstan and the dynamics of political processes. According to his estimates, the potential of the young independent republic, which has become an influential regional player, is already arousing increased interest from all the world powers. He expressed hope that the decisions taken by the country's leadership regarding political and economic reforms will achieve their goals.
In turn, the Vice-president of the Royal Academy of Innovative Sciences of Serbia Velibor Stevic expressed his support for the reforms implemented in Kazakhstan, including strengthening the powers of the Parliament and the establishment of the Constitutional Court. "There is no doubt that the new political course will allow Kazakhstan to reach a new level of development," the Serbian expert noted.
Source: kazinform 

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