28.09.2022, 16:13 51421

Kazakhstan and Huawei to train ICT specialists

Kazakhstan and Huawei to train ICT specialists
The Kazakh Science and Higher Education Ministry and Huawei Technologies Kazakhstan signed a memo of understanding within the International Digital Forum in Astana.
It aims at creating conditions for multilateral scientific research and academic partnership, introducing digital innovations in the sphere of education, to bridge the digital divide and create Kazakhstani ecosystem of talents in the sphere of information communication technologies to contribute to development of digital literacy and skills.
The signatories will exchange research findings and practical information and skills, to create conditions for training highly skilled young specialists. The students will have an opportunity to train and get certified in the sphere of ICT, participate in special educational contests and get assistance in employment. Teachers will also take part in the educational process and get an opportunity to participate in professional development programs organized by Huawei.
The Huawei Technologies Kazakhstan entered Kazakhstan 20 years ago, 14 ICT academies were opened countrywide. 
Source: kazinform 
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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