04.07.2024, 17:25 23316

Kazakhstan hands over SCO presidency to China for 2024-25 period

Kazakhstan hands over SCO presidency to China for 2024-25 period
Images | Akorda
Today, the Astana Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO member states was signed following the SCO summit in the Kazakh capital, within which China will assume the rotating presidency of the SCO for 2024-2025, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Organization.

SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming thanked the Republic of Kazakhstan for the productive work as the Chair during the meeting of the SCO Council of the Heads of State.

Before concluding, I’d like to thank the Republic of Kazakhstan for the productive work as the Chair as well as congratulate the People’s Republic of China on the beginning of the presidency of the Organization, said the SCO Secretary General.

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