28.10.2022, 14:36 33941

Kazakhstan keen on expanding cooperation within CIS – PM Smailov

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov stated Kazakhstan’s interest in broadening cooperation with the CIS countries.
Kazakhstan keen on expanding cooperation within CIS – PM Smailov
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov stated Kazakhstan’s interest in broadening cooperation with the CIS countries, Kazinform correspondent reports.

Last year the CIS celebrated its 30th anniversary. Today the Commonwealth is entering a new stage of its development. Over the past years, the organization has proved its relevance, and turned into a solid foundation for friendly relations between our countries. The multifaceted cooperation is built on the principles of mutual trust, pragmatism and maintaining a balance of interests," Smailov said at the extended meeting of the CIS Heads of Government Council in Astana.

In his words, such interaction enables to lower negative tendencies taking place in the global economy and promote development of mutually beneficial partnership.

Thanks to the measures taken within the Organization, many issues related to education, healthcare, social affairs and civil law have been successfully resolved. Our citizens enjoy visa-free travel between the states. Kazakhstan, as one of the active participants in the CIS, is interested in expanding cooperation, strengthening its potential and unlocking its capabilities," Alikhan Smailov added.


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