10.07.2023, 17:18 26381

New mayor of Atyrau named

New mayor of Atyrau named
Images | gov.kz
Shakir Keikin has been appointed as the new akim (mayor) of Atyrau city, Kazinform has learned from the regional authorities.

Born in 1970 in Atyrau region, Keikin is a graduate of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.

At the beginning of his career he worked for several private companies. In 2009 he was designated as the akim (mayor) of Kusary town, the post he kept through 2018.

Then, in 2019 he became the deputy akim (mayor) of Atyrau and later was appointed as the akim (head) of Makatsk district.

Prior to the recent appointment, he served as the head of the trade department of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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