25.06.2024, 16:24 9521

President Tokayev meets with Foreign Minister of Malta Ian Borg

President Tokayev meets with Foreign Minister of Malta Ian Borg
Images | Akorda
President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of Kazakhstan met with Maltese Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Ian Borg, Akorda reports.

The meeting with OSCE Chair-in-Office, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade of Malta Ian Borg discussed the current issues of bilateral agenda as well as interaction within the OSCE.

As the Kazakh leader noted, the OSCE takes stagewise actions in all three dimensions in the region and beyond amid the existing security challenges. Tokayev confirmed Kazakhstan’s commitment to close cooperation with all parties in achieving the goals set out in the Astana Declaration, adopted at the OSCE Summit in 2010.

We’re ready to make efforts to achieve these noble goals and continue to work jointly with Malta as part of its OSCE presidency to ensure comprehensive and cooperation-based security, said the President.

The Kazakh President conveyed the warm wishes to Myriam Spiteri Debono, President of Malta, and stated the willingness to enhance bilateral cooperation and give an impetus to Kazakh-Maltese relations.

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