20.11.2022, 08:45 5156

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov casts his vote in 2022 Presidential Election

Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov casts his vote in 2022 Presidential Election
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov became one of the first to cast his ballot in today’s Presidential Election, Kazinform reports.
Smailov arrived at ballot station No 111 which had been opened in the building of the National Library in Astana.

Today is a landmark event in our country - the election of the President of the country. Today will show how our state will develop further within seven years. If we want our state to develop and prosper, we must manifest civic responsibility and choose the strongest candidate for the post of the head of state. I have made my choice. I have voted for a strong and fair Kazakhstan. In seven years, I see Kazakhstan as a fair state, with fair economy and society. If we work hard, we will be able to achieve the goals set," said Smailov.


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