02.09.2021, 12:29 15730

241 coronavirus patients are on life support

110,420 people (103,553 coronavirus positive and 6,867 coronavirus negative) are being treated for coronavirus as of September 1, the Kazakh Healthcare Ministry’s press service reports.

23, 744 patients are staying in the COVID-19 hospitals, 86,676 are receiving outpatient treatment.

1,704 coronavirus patients are in critical condition, 493 are in extremely critical condition, while 241 are on life support.

As earlier reported, over the past 24 hours Kazakhstan detected 880 new COVID-19 cases bringing the country’s tally to 798,671. 93 people more died from coronavirus infection in Kazakhstan over the past 24 hours.

Source: Kazinform

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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