22.04.2022, 16:35 42471

50 days in "green" zone, 98% of recovered – RK Ministry of Health

50 days in "green" zone, 98% of recovered – RK Ministry of Health
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The official representative of the Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yerzhan Baitanaev, spoke about the epidemiological situation in the country regarding coronavirus infection, Kazpravda.kz reports.

The epidemiological situation in the country regarding COVID-19 is stable, up to 20 cases of coronavirus infection are registered per day, which was also reflected in the infection prevalence rate, which has been less than one since the beginning of April.

More than 98% of the patients recovered," Baitanaev said.
Over the past period of April, compared with the same period in March, the incidence rate decreased by 8.3 times (from 2,345 to 280 cases).
According to the matrix for assessing the epidemiological situation, since March 3, 2022, Kazakhstan and all regions are in the "green" zone.
Over the past month, the number of patients receiving inpatient treatment has decreased by 5.7 times (from 588 to 102), outpatients - by 3.4 times (from 5655 to 1655), the occupancy of infectious beds has decreased by 2 times - from 8 to 4 %, resuscitation beds - 3.5 times (from 7 to 2%).

To date, 10.5 million people have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection with the first component, which is 83.2% of the subject population and 55.2% of the total population.

10.1 million people were vaccinated with the second component, which is 81% of the subject population and 53.1% of the total population.
More than 90% of the subject population is covered in 5 regions (East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Turkestan, Kyzylorda regions and Shymkent city).
Revaccination covered 3.7 million people, or 59.4% of the subject population," the official representative of the committee cited the statistics. 
According to WHO, in the last week, the incidence has been reduced in all regions by 24%, however, in 56 countries of the world there has been an increase in incidence from 2 to 300%, including in the UAE over the past week, the incidence has increased by 2%, in India - by 55% , in Montenegro - by 29%, in Peru - by 26%, in Egypt - by 115%, in China - by 138%, in Finland - by 300%.

At the same time, in China, due to the spread of the Stealth omicron strain, there is an increase in the incidence, compared with the beginning of March, the daily number of symptomatic patients increased 5 times, asymptomatic - 1.2 times. Currently, more than 18 thousand cases are registered per day.

Dear Kazakhstanis! The best way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated and get a booster vaccine when recommended. Continue to wear masks, especially in crowded indoor spaces, I remind you that windows and doors should be opened so that fresh air enters the premises," concluded Yerzhan Baitanaev.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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