I express my deep condolences in connection with the passing of the outstanding statesman and public figure Berdibek Saparbayev. All these years, Berdibek Mashbekuly worked with honor at the most responsible sections of work and made a huge contribution to the political, economic, social and cultural development of the country and regions. He was able to implement the state policy with great competence, worked tirelessly for the prosperity of Kazakhstan. He was respected for his exceptional human qualities. The name and the bright image of Berdibek Mashbekuly will forever remain in the memory of the people," states the text of the letter of condolence of the Head of State.
Berdibek Mashbekuly with his work made a great contribution to the establishment and development of our country. No matter what position he held, he worked with all his might in the interests of the people. His heroic work and bright image will always remain in the memory of the people," Alikhan Smailov said.
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