19.03.2025, 18:11 616

Almaty’s Medeu Skating Rink to close for two-year-long renovation

Almaty’s Medeu Skating Rink to close for two-year-long renovation
Images | Depositphotos
Almaty’s Medeu Skating Rink will close its doors when two-year renovations begin in late March, ending the 2025 season, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

The world’s highest outdoor skating rink has been offering skating in evening hours starting from March 11 in the face of warmer weather, said the local authorities.

According to Almaty’s construction department, plans for the renovation were first announced following the signing of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) contract in 2025. The total estimated cost is to be revealed after the state expert appraisal is completed. The renovation is expected to take two years from 2025 to 2027.

The renovations include building flights of stairs for hiking routes around the skating rink, improving the southern slope along the Pravyi Yessentay River as well as the adjacent territory. An alley and promenade along the western part of the rink will be added. The two entry and exit elevators on the southeastern and southwestern parts of the rink for low-mobile visitors are set to be installed.

The rink’s refrigeration system, cooling system, technological plate with complete replacement of pipes, engineering system, communications and electrical equipment to improve energy efficiency will be upgraded.

Renovations also eye shift to gas heat, space heating system upgrade and seat heating.

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