14.12.2023, 17:01 79776

Audience in the Capital Enjoyed L’Elisir d’Amore

Audience in the Capital Enjoyed L’Elisir d’Amore
Images | astanaopera.kz
One of the most vivid comic operas in the world repertoire, Donizetti’s L’Elisir d’Amore, delighted viewers at the Astana Opera on December 12 and 13. The performances were held under the baton of conductor, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Yerbolat Akhmedyarov, Astana Opera press office reports.

On these days, the opera company’s soloists made brilliant debuts in the main roles of the spectacular production. Thus, on December 13, Assem Sembina took the stage for the first time as Adina, and Dinmukhamed Koshkinbayev debuted as Belcore. A day earlier, Yerzhan Saipov made his debut as Dr. Dulcamara.

From the very first notes, Donizetti’s operatic masterpiece L’Elisir d’Amore strikes the audience’s imagination with its exciting plot and a wide range of extraordinary characters. The buffoonish character of Dulcamara provides the performer with ample opportunities to reveal the comic hero both vocally and in acting. The cartoonish image of a roguish charlatan doctor adds dynamism to the action, bringing chaos and excitement to the story," Yerzhan Saipov said.

The opera house’s soloist Assel Sembina spoke about the heroine of the opera, beautiful Adina, whose heart is won over by a romantic young man Nemorino:

Behind external coquetry, Adina hides a pure female soul, yearning for a simple and sincere heartfelt feeling. And the effervescent music by the outstanding composer Gaetano Donizetti, full of fun and beautiful melodies, continues to conquer the hearts of listeners and performers over the centuries, from the moment of its first premiere in 1832 to this day," Assem Sembina concluded.

The audience also tirelessly applauded the talents of the Kazakh opera stars, the Astana Opera’s principal soloists: on December 12, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Saltanat Akhmetova cut a brilliant figure as Adina, Artur Gabdiyev performed Nemorino, Talgat Galeyev presented Belcore, and Madina Islamova took the stage as Giannetta. On the next day, Ramzat Balakishiyev performed Nemorino, Yevgeniy Chainikov portrayed Dr. Dulcamara, and Nazym Sagintai took the stage as Giannetta.

Principal choirmaster - Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Dautov, assistant stage director - Yerenbak Toikenov, opera company director - Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Azamat Zheltyrguzov.

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