17.04.2024, 10:37 79066

China’s Yining launches new flight with Almaty city

This week saw the launch of a new international air route between China’s Yining and Almaty in Kazakhstan, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Yining became the third air haven in Xinjiang, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR), after Urumqi and Kashi to establish air communication with Kazakhstan. The flight will be reportedly operated once a week.

The launch of the new passenger flight will invigorate business, tourist and people-to-people exchanges between the two nations.

Kazakhstan and China launched a visa-free regime starting from November 2023. 2024 was declared the Year of Kazakhstan’s tourism in China, while Almaty city was granted the status of the SCO tourist and cultural capital for a period of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the organization.

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