07.12.2022, 15:07 103401

Court decision needed to restrict Russian TV channels broadcasting in Kazakhstan - Minister

Minister of Information and Social Development Darkhan Kydyrali commented on the possibility of restricting Russian TV channels broadcasting in the territory of Kazakhstan
Minister of Information and Social Development Darkhan Kydyrali commented on the possibility of restricting Russian TV channels broadcasting in the territory of Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.

Of course, information security is one of our priority objectives. But restrictions may be imposed on a court decision only. If violations are recorded by a decision of a court, this decision must be executed. Presently, we are carrying out general monitoring. Many issues in this area are within the scope of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," said Kydyrali on the sidelines of the Majilis’ plenary session.

In his words, the Ministry gives special attention to ensure that Kazakhstani receive reliable information.

The Ministry does not handle this issue on his own. If there’s a court decision, we will work on it," he added.


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