29.08.2021, 22:48 12574

Daily COVID-19 and pneumonia-related deaths in Kazakhstan hit 157

The Kazakh Healthcare Ministry updated the daily COVID-19 and COVID-19-like pneumonia death rates across the country as of August 27, 2021.

The daily deaths hit a new record in Almaty of 33. Karaganda region confirmed 22 fatalities, 16 deaths were recorded in Shymkent, 12 in Mangistau region, 9 in Nur-Sultan.

135 people died from coronavirus infection, while 22 from COVID-19-like pneumonia.

As earlier reported, over the last 24 hours Kazakhstan confirmed 993 new COVID-19 cases bringing the country’s tally to 779,927.

Source: Kazinform
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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