05.08.2021, 15:19 15453

Eight Almaty residents detained for using fake PCR certificates at the airport

All the detainees are employees of one of the private company in Almaty, where, as a bonus, the distinguished workers were given vouchers to Dubai. During interrogation, the offenders explained that they had bought PCR tests via the Internet.
Eight residents of Almaty have been detained for using fake PCR certificates at the airport, said the health care department.

Transport police together with the staff of providing passenger transportation of the city airport, identified and detained a group of eight residents of Almaty who had fake certificates of a negative result of a PCR test," deputy head of the traffic police department for transport Sarykul Zholanov said.

All the detainees are employees of one of the private company in Almaty, where, as a bonus, the distinguished workers were given vouchers to Dubai. During interrogation, the offenders explained that they had bought PCR tests via the Internet.

Source: KazTAG

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