18.06.2024, 14:45 48856

Ex-judge Aigul Sailybayeva from Kazakhstan found murdered in Germany

The body of former judge Aigul Sailybayeva, showing signs of violent death was found in Germany, as reported by the Kazinform News Agency correspondent, citing BILD Telegram channel.

Previously, 40-year-old Aigul Sailybayeva worked as a judge in the Saryarka district of Astana, and recently she had been living in Bensheim, a town in western Germany, with her husband, daughter, and mother-in-law. On the morning of June 4, Sailybayeva took her daughter to kindergarten. Since then, she had not been seen. On Sunday, her body was found at the Erlache quarry on the outskirts of the town.

According to BILD, the body was in a plastic bag and the woman had been subjected to violence before her death. Currently, 35 investigators are working on solving the murder. Searches have been conducted at the woman's home, the police report states.

Along with Sailybayeva, her 49-year-old mother-in-law, Natalya Dontsova, also went missing. It is known that on June 4, she picked up her granddaughter from kindergarten and brought her home. Since then, the grandmother has not been seen. BILD reports that the child is safe and has been placed in the care of relatives. The search for Dontsova continues, and connections between the two disappearances are being established.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan also confirmed the death of former judge Aigul Sailaubayeva in Germany. The press service of the ministry reported that "according to preliminary verbal information from the police, the body has been identified by external characteristics as belonging to the citizen of Kazakhstan, Aigul Sailaubayeva. German law enforcement authorities are conducting the necessary investigative measures. Other information about this case is not disclosed in the interests of the investigation."

The mother and brother of Sailybayeva have arrived in Germany from Kazakhstan. Currently, they are receiving all necessary consular and legal assistance, the ministry concluded.

Earlier, the disappearance of the former judge was reported by her brother, Kanat Sailybayev. He mentioned that his sister had complained of domestic violence.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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