15.08.2022, 12:57 63131

Film 'Street Poet' presented at 18th Jecheon International Music&Film Festival in S Korea

Street Poet raises the eternal problem of "fathers-sons" relations.
Film 'Street Poet' presented at 18th Jecheon International Music&Film Festival in S Korea
Images | kazakhfilmstudios.kz
Street Poet (Koshe Akyny) is the title of a short-length film directed by Kazakhstani filmmaker Samgar Rakym and presented in Music Film’s Landscape section of the 18th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival in South Korea, Kazinform has learned from the press service of the Kazakhfilm studio.
The Music Film’s Landscape section familiarizes the audience with all the categories of modern musical films and is devoted to various musical genres and musicians. The section also demonstrates films featuring universal life and different cultures through music.
Street Poet raises the eternal problem of "fathers-sons" relations. A conflict occurs in a family of traditional poet Tanzharyk, who earns a living by participating in aitys (poetic singing dispute of two poets or traditional singers), and his son Turan. The young man is fond of rap and composes no less talented rhymes and recitatives. The father and the son do not accept each other's views on lifestyle, on music, and, as a result, they do not get along well.
Last year, the film received an award at the 4th Meihodo International Youth Visual Media Festival (New York, U.S.) in Music Video category and Audience Award at the Annapolis Film Festival.
The film was shot at the Shaken Aimanov Kazakhfilm studio. 
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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