28.06.2024, 19:41 6531

First flight from Almaty arrives in Kyrgyzstan's Issyk-Kul Airport

First flight from Almaty arrives in Kyrgyzstan's Issyk-Kul Airport
Images | KABAR
The first flight on Almaty-Issyk-Kul-Almaty route has landed at the Issyk-Kul International Airport today, KABAR reported.

The flight time from Almaty to Issyk-Kul is 35 minutes, while the return flight takes one hour.

The customer of the flight is the Compass tour operator. The flights will be operated twice a week - on Mondays and Fridays - by Qazaq Air's Bombardier Q400 NextGen aircraft.

Compass has been annually operating flights in the Almaty-Issyk-Kul-Almaty direction for more than 10 years.

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