08.12.2021, 13:42 184493

Health Minister said whether border with Russia be closed due to omicron strain

Health Minister said whether border with Russia be closed due to omicron strain
Images | ru.egemen.kz
Health Minister Aleksey Tsoi, answering journalists' questions in the Majilis, said that the question of closing the border with Russia in connection with the omicron coronavirus strain is not actual, Kazpravda.kz correspondent reports.

“This is an isolated case, we are now monitoring how the omicron is spreading among colleagues. Similar strains that exist are spreading all over the world. We need to monitor it. If this is a mass spreading, if we see that this strain is widespread within the country, of course, appropriate measures will be taken,” he said.

In general, the minister noted the improvement in the situation with the spread of COVID-19.

“The situation is improving. We can see the number of patients - over the past month, it has almost halved, the number of incoming calls to the ambulance also halved. The number of patients in hospitals is decreasing, we see it. The percentage of vaccinations is increasing, it is all interconnected. The main peaks were in August, now it is already going down,” he said.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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