20.05.2021, 15:58 20079

Health Ministry about mortality from COVID-19 and CVI-pneumonia: Not all data were taken into account

Since last year, relevant work has been carried out, the information system has been analyzed, and work has been carried out in medical organizations to record and analyze all fatalities.
The system did not take into account all data on fatal cases caused by coronavirus infection (CVI +) and pneumonia with signs of COVID-19 (CVI-), Azhar Giniyat, Vice Minister of Health of Kazakhstan said.

Since last year, relevant work has been carried out, the information system has been analyzed, and work has been carried out in medical organizations to record and analyze all fatalities. We came to the conclusion that, based on the results of reports from the regions, not all data on fatal cases are taken into account in the system, and some cases were directly registered with the registry office. Taking into account the final reviews of these commissions, the protocols of pathological and forensic examinations, the final mortality data for the last year from coronavirus was 4729 people. Including with a coronavirus infection identified plus 1783 people, and unspecified coronavirus infections - 2946 people," she said.

Source: KazTAG

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