20.04.2021, 11:35 14058

Kazakh Health Minister predicts COVID-19 peaks as country carries out mass vaccination

Kazakh Health Minister Alexei Tsoi predicted that the number of COVID-19 cases to rise up to 4 thousand with a peak in the middle of May.

According to him, in a best-case scenario it is expected that up to 3 thousand COVID-19 cases would be registered a day with a peak in late April given COVID-19 vaccination is carried out according to the schedule.

Under a real-case scenario, the number of daily COVID-19 cases could rise to up to 4 thousand, peaking in mid-May, with mass vaccination in place.

The minister said that growth in new COVID-19 cases will be due to the time it takes the body to build immunity, adding that vaccination will eventually lead to a stabilization of the COVID-19 situation in the country.

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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