24.04.2023, 09:21 61616

Kazakh schoolchildren triumphed at 2023 FIRST Championship

Kazakh schoolchildren triumphed at the FIRST Championship in robotics held in Houston, Texas, U.S., after winning in three nominations
Kazakh schoolchildren triumphed at 2023 FIRST Championship
Images | gov.kz
Kazakh schoolchildren triumphed at the FIRST Championship in robotics held in Houston, Texas, U.S., after winning in three nominations, Kazinform reports citing the press office of the Ministry of Enlightenment.

The Core Values Award was handed over to Adeptus Mechanicus team from Almaty for a high enthusiasm, cooperation spirit and mutual respect in the youngest age category - from 6 to 10 years.

Play 4 Energy team from Almaty-based LEAS school won the highest technical award - Robot Design Award in middle age category - from 10 to 16 years. They have demonstrated excellent programming and engineering skills and created a highly reliable and efficient robot that solves complex tasks.

Team AENTA from the Republican Physics and Mathematics School won in the Motivate Award Finalist nomination (12-18 years). Apart from creating and playing robots, the guys actively promote the STEM culture and implement the FIRST principles in their school. As the members of the international jury noted, the team showed high professionalism on the world stage. The team members hold free festivals and trainings, where they teach their peers the basics of robotics and programming.

Images | gov.kz

The guys showed excellent results and decently represented our country. We are grateful to everyone engaged in the victory of our students! This is the beginning of a long and fruitful journey in the development of STEM in Kazakhstan," co-founder of USTEM Robotics Nurdaulet Dosmagambet says.

The national team was formed at the Central Asian Games FIRST Central Asia, held with the support of the Ministry of Education in February this year.

It was not an easy race among the participants from 110 countries. We are proud that our children have shown the highest professionalism and received their well-deserved awards. We believe that their vivid example will become a motivation for all schoolchildren in the country," said Aigul Karakulova, the Pedagogical Excellence Unit of the Daryn Republican Scientific and Practical Center.


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