01.03.2023, 07:45 94961

Kazakhstan celebrates Gratitude Day

The holiday is dated to the foundation of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan and is observed since 2016
Kazakhstan celebrates Gratitude Day on March 1, Kazinform reports.

The holiday is dated to the foundation of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan and is observed since 2016. On March 1, 1995, the decree was signed to establish the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan.

Gratitude Day symbolizes the unity of the multiethnic country. It is called to promote tolerance, respect, and amiability to each other, and strengthen interfaith consent and interethnic relations in Kazakhstan.

Various sports and cultural events are to be held countrywide. For example, the Kazakh capital is set to host exhibitions, and master classes for children and school students to promote traditions and learn to express gratitude. A roundtable is expected today to bring together members of the People’s Assembly, deputies of the Parliament, representatives of state bodies, ethnic and cultural societies, and mass media.

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