27.07.2023, 18:02 75906

Kazakhstan reports increase in foreign travelers

Kazakhstan reports increase in foreign travelers
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Over 250,000 foreign tourists stayed at hotels in Kazakhstan in the past month and a half, the Kazakh Ministry of Culture and Sports said Thursday, Kazinform reports.

As confirmed by the eQonaq system, 250,468 foreign nationals stayed at local hotels from June 1 through July 23, that is three times more than during the analogous period of last year. Last year saw 77,645 foreign tourists booking hotels in Kazakhstan.

In the reporting period the number of tourists from CIS countries has totaled 180,000 or 72 per cent of the total number of tourists, signaling an increase in travelers from foreign countries. Last year tourists from the CIS countries made 77 per cent of the total number of tourists.

Number of tourists from Mongolia has increased 11fold, China - 8.5fold, India - 4.7fold, South Korea - 3.8fold, Iran - 3.8fold, Germany - 3fold and the U.S. - 2.2fold.

Foreign tourists mostly choose Almaty and Astana cities as their destination - 77,308 and 38,463 tourists, respectively. 19,049 tourists traveled to Almaty region, while 15,062 - to Mangistau region.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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