29.07.2024, 10:51 71356

Kazakhstan Today was granted rights to distribute CGTN TV content

Kazakhstan Today was granted rights to distribute CGTN TV content
CMG International Communication Planning Bureau granted Kazakhstan Today News Agency the non-exclusive right to distribute CGTN TV content on its official website (www.kt.kz) and Youtube account homepage in the mode of real-time relay starting from 27 July, 2024, the agency's correspondent reports.

CGTN is an excellent source of information about the cultural, economic and social life of China, which shows the amazing beauty and diversity of the natural landscapes of the country. In addition, the channel introduces the great culture of the Chinese people: traditional arts, crafts, famous Chinese cuisine, shows films about the relations of the modern society of the country. I am sure that the unique opportunity to see the CGTN channel will allow Kazakhstanis to expand their ideas about China and will contribute to the development of friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding of the peoples of the two countries," the Editor-in-Chief of Kazakhstan Today News Agency said during the signing ceremony of the document.

On the Chinese side, the document was signed by Mr. Teng Yunping.

Bureau Director of CMG International Communication Planning Bureau.

The parties noted the relevance and importance of the project, its role in the development of cultural international contacts in Greater Eurasia.


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