09.02.2023, 12:01 84971

Kazakhstanis raised some KZT 18 mln to buy yurts for quake-hit Türkiye

All donations will go directly to acquire some 40 yurts which will be sent to the General Consulate of Türkiye in Kazakhstan
Kazakhtanis have raised some 18 million tenge to help people affected by earthquakes in Türkiye. All donations will go directly to acquire some 40 yurts which will be sent to the General Consulate of Türkiye in Kazakhstan, Kazinform reports.

The talks are underway with the Turkish authorities to deliver the yurts to Türkiye as soon as possible. The yurts were chosen for a definite reason. People can live in the yurts for a great while whereas people living in tents are bracing for freezing temperatures. The yurt has a sacred meaning. The Turks call Kazakhstan "atazhurt" (the land of ancestors) as the territory of Kazakhstan is the motherland of all Turks, including the ancestors of the current generations of Turks," journalist Nurbek Bekbau said. Bekbau initiated the fundraising for those hit by quakes.


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