08.04.2021, 09:33 18463

Manufacturing capacity of COVID-19 vaccines made at Karaganda Pharmaceutical Plant 2mln per month

The Karaganda Pharmaceutical Plant has managed to ramp up the COVID-19 vaccine production in a short time, Kazakh Health Minister Alexei Tsoi told a briefing at the Central Communications Service. on Wednesday
In the health minister’s words, the Karaganda Pharmaceutical Plant has streamlined its internal processes and received the vaccine substance, which allowed for further production.
300 thousand doses of the vaccine will be delivered to the regions by tomorrow and a delivery of another 900 thousand doses is under consideration.
According to the minister, the manufacturing capacity of COVID-19 vaccines produced at the plant stands at 2 million doses per month.

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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