27.12.2023, 11:31 88541

Measles cases grew 17-fold in Akmola region

Measles cases grew 17-fold in Akmola region
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358 laboratory-confirmed measles cases were recorded in Akmola region so far, chief state sanitary doctor of Akmola region Ainagul Mussina said, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Since the beginning of the year, 460 suspected measles cases were recorded, of which 358 were laboratory-confirmed. 330 measles cases were recorded in the fourth quarter which is 17 times more against 11 cases reported in the third quarter. There were 26 laboratory-confirmed measles cases in October, 92 in November, and 212 in December.

280 out of 358 account for children aged under 4 years old and aged 5-9 years old that is 78%. 87% of 310 cases were detected in those unvaccinated. Most cases were recorded in the regional centre up to 117, 76 in Kosshy, 52 in Tselinograd district, 24 in Arshaly district.

The region saw a decrease in daily cases from 10-15 to 3-6 cases as of December 25.

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