20.12.2023, 10:08 52101

Measles cases on rise in N Kazakhstan

Measles cases on rise in N Kazakhstan
Images | Depositphotos
North Kazakhstan region confirms 161 measles cases, Kazinform News Agency reports.

At a press briefing held on December 8, the regional sanitary-epidemiological control department informed of 101 cases.

As of December 19, 161 measles cases have been detected in the region: 140 - in Petropavlovsk, seven in Magzhan Zhumabayev district, four in Kyzylzhar district, and two cases in Aiyrtau, Akkaiyn and Mamlyut regions each. Single cases were registered in Yessil and Zhambyl districts.

The sanitary-epidemiological control department reminds that measles is a highly contagious disease which is transmitted through air droplets when coughing or sneezing. Measles can lead to such dangerous complications as pneumonia and encephalitis. Vaccination is the only effective way of measles prevention.

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