06.08.2022, 21:33 12456

Number of people emigrating from Kazakhstan goes down, according to latest data

Number of people emigrating from Kazakhstan goes down, according to latest data
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The number of people who emigrated from Kazakhstan is going down steadily. More about the migration processes in Kazakhstan is in the latest article of Kazinform
According to the Bureau of National Statistics, in 2021, 32,256 people emigrated from Kazakhstan, compared to 29,088 in 2020 and 45,225 in 2019.
 In terms of regions, in 2021, Karaganda, Kostanay and East Kazakhstan regions led in the number of emigrants, with 4,603, 3,367 and 4,078, respectively. In the same year, Kyzylorda region had the lowest number of people emigrating - just 75 people.
 Mangistau region and the city of Almaty welcomed the highest number of immigrants last year - 2,753 and 1,882 people, respectively.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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