26.03.2021, 10:55 15351

One-day tally of new COVID-19 cases at 1,100 in Kazakhstan, 3 died

Kazakhstan has added 1,100 fresh cases of the coronavirus infection in the past 24 hours, pushing the total number of COVID-19 cases in the country to 237,300, coronavirus2020.kz reports.

The highest number of fresh infections has been recorded in Almaty city – 330. The Kazakh capital, Nur-Sultan, with 185 fresh COVID-19 cases is second. Almaty region is the third area to record three-digit number of new cases of the coronavirus infection – 108.

Karaganda and Atyrau regions have reported 98 and 82 fresh daily infections, respectively.

54 more cases have been registered in Aktobe region, 50 in Akmola region, 48 in West Kazakhstan region, 40 in Kostanay region, 35 in the city of Shymkent, 28 in Pavlodar region, 19 in East Kazakhstan region, 12 in Zhambyl region.

North Kazakhstan region has reported 7 COVID-19 cases, while Turkestan and Mangistau regions – 2 each over the past day.

63 daily cases of pneumonia flagged as pneumonia with COVID-19-related signs have been reported in Kazakhstan in the last 24 hours.

Over the past day, the country has also reported three more deaths and 171 recoveries from COVID-19-like pneumonia.

Since August 1, 2020, Kazakhstan has reported a total of 50,215 COVID-19-like pneumonia cases. The number of COVID-19-like pneumonia recoveries stands at 47,035. The death toll has risen to 672.

47 patients connected to ventilators in Kazakhstan

As of March 26, 2021, the number of people under coronavirus treatment in Kazakhstan stands at 22,131, the Health Ministry of Kazakhstan reported.

Of the 22,131, 6,981 are being treated as in-patients and 15,150 as out-patients.

The number of severe COVID-19 patients is 321 and that of critical patients with the coronavirus infection stands at 75. Those connected to ventilators number 47.

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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