17.05.2022, 14:15 14666

Over 11 mln Kazakhstanis enrolled to vote in referendum

Over 11 mln Kazakhstanis enrolled to vote in referendum
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Over 10,000 stations are set to open to hold a referendum, Kazinform reports.

As of today, there are 10,013 referendum stations across Kazakhstan. As of May 15, some 11,722,536 people were included in the list of voters eligible to take part in the republican referendum,"  Chairman of the Central Election Commission Nurlan Abdirov told the sitting of the Central Election Commission.

He stressed the need to work thoroughly on the issues concerning recruiting sign language interpreters, special taxi services, and other necessary measures for the convenience of people with disabilities.
Abdirov urged all people to once again check their voting places and registration status.
As earlier reported, the President of Kazakhstan decreed to hold the republican referendum on June 5, 2022.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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