06.12.2021, 12:37 200446

Registration for Pfizer paid vaccinations started in Almaty

Registration for Pfizer paid vaccinations started in Almaty
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Almaty residents wishing to be vaccinated with Pfizer's Comirnaty vaccine for a fee can sign up for the vaccination in advance, Kazpravda.kz reports with reference to the official website of the Public Health Department of the city.
As explained in the department, everyone who is not included in the category of recipients of the free Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine can receive the vaccine on a paid basis. Recall that children from 12 to 18 years old, pregnant and lactating women receive it free of charge.
Pfizer immunizations will be carried out only in three outpatient clinics in Almaty:
- city polyclinic No. 5 at the address: Almaty, Almalinsky district, Makatayev street, 141. Contact phone: 8 (727) 344 98 04 or 8 707 101 28 93, 8 707 931 92 63 (WhatsApp).
- city polyclinic No. 7 at the address: Almaty, Bostandyk district, Bukhar zhyrau street, 14. Contact phone: 8 (727) 376 33 99 or 8 701 111 61 81 (WhatsApp).
- city clinical hospital No. 5 at the address: Almaty, Medeu district, Dostyk avenue, 220. Contact phone: 8 (727) 264 72 64 or 8 747 263 72 46 (WhatsApp).
If you have any additional questions, you can contact the specified phone numbers.
Today, these PHCs register those wishing to receive a paid Pfizer vaccine. The cost is not yet known.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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