25.07.2023, 08:21 33081

Senators met with the public of Ordabasy region

Senators met with the public of Ordabasy region
Images | senate.parlam.kz
Members of the Senate of the Parliament Ali Bektaev, Murat Kadyrbek, Alisher Satvaldiev visited a number of settlements in the Ordabasy district of the Turkestan region, press service of the Senate reports.

During the visit, the senators visited a number of strategically important objects and farms in the region. The parliamentarians also met with members of the regional Council of Veterans and leaders of youth organizations. During the meeting, residents raised a number of issues related to the construction of a water utility, production, agriculture and the construction of social facilities in the region.

The deputies stated that the issues raised would be under control and transferred to the relevant authorities.

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