21.04.2022, 11:15 35401

Situation on CVI in Kazakhstan as of April 21

Situation on CVI in Kazakhstan as of April 21
Images | depositphotos
Data on the spread of COVID-19 in Kazakhstan as of April 21 has been announced, Kazpravda.kz reports with reference to coronavirus2020.kz.
Over the past day, 14 patients with positive PCR for coronavirus infection have been identified in Kazakhstan.
By region:
- in Nur-Sultan - 3,
- in Almaty - 6,
- in East Kazakhstan region - 1,
- in Zhambyl region - 1,
- in West Kazakhstan region - 1,
- in Kostanay region - 1,
- in Turkestan region - 1. ?
In total, 1,305,431 cases have been identified in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.
Over the past day in Kazakhstan, 41 people have recovered from coronavirus infection. Total recovered in Kazakhstan - 1,290,945.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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