12.07.2023, 18:24 54816

Some 45,000 tons of garbage removed from impromptu landfills in Astana

Some 45,000 tons of garbage removed from impromptu landfills in Astana
Images | pixabay.com
Since the beginning of the year some 45,000 tons of garbage were collected and removed from the impromptu landfills in five districts of the Kazakh capital, Kazinform cites the city akimat’s press service.

Over 100 units of specialized vehicles are engaged daily to fight unauthorized landfill sites. Since the start of the year above 70 unauthorized dumps were detected around the city. Almost all of them were closed down.

As of today, some 6,800 tons of waste were removed since April from Almaty district, over 1,500 tons from Baikonur district, 4,350 tons from Nura district and more than 17,500 tons from Yessil district.

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