18.08.2023, 14:27 92826

Special commission to conduct full investigation of accident causes at Kazakhstan mine in Karaganda region

Special commission to conduct full investigation of accident causes at Kazakhstan mine in Karaganda region
Images | primeminister.kz
Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov held a meeting on the situation at the Kazakhstan mine JSC ArcelorMittal Temirtau in Karaganda region, primeminister.kz reports.

First of all, the Head of Government expressed condolences to relatives and friends of the miners killed in the accident.

Akim of Karaganda region Yermaganbet Bulekpayev reported that at 10:05 a.m. on August 17 at the mine there was an ignition of conveyor belt. As part of the response was immediately introduced a plan to eliminate the accident and organized the withdrawal of workers to the surface. At the time of the incident, 227 people were in the mine. As of 13:50 hours, 222 miners had already been brought to the surface. Due to the heavy smoke in the mine, five more miners could not get out.

During the rescue work at 17:20 hours the body of one miner was found. On August 18 at 08:10 hours the body of the second missing miner was found. Currently, the search for three more miners continues.

Due to the high temperature, continuous smoke and, accordingly, inaccessibility of the mine site, the fire has not been localized so far. At the moment, measures are being taken to extinguish the fire from the back side of the mine.

According to the First Deputy Minister of Healthcare Timur Sultangaziyev, 13 people were injured as a result of the incident. 9 of them were taken to the Multidisciplinary Hospital named after Makazhanov with toxic gas poisoning, including carbon monoxide of severe degree. As of today, two have been transferred from the intensive care unit. The condition of the patients is of average severity, stable. They are conscious. The severity is due to acute intoxication syndrome and encephalopathy. Hemodynamic parameters are stable.

Four more victims were taken to the Central Hospital of Shakhtinsk. Two were released for outpatient treatment, two more people remain on inpatient treatment, their condition is of average severity.

Following the results of the meeting, Prime Minister instructed to ensure quality work of the commission to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the causes of the accident at the Kazakhstan mine and to provide all necessary assistance to the affected families.

Alikhan Smailov demanded from the Ministry for Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Ecology to promptly complete industrial and environmental audits conducted in ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC to make an appropriate decision.

This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.

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