12.09.2022, 12:09 28736

Teaser for Dimash Kudaibergen's new music video released

Dimash Qudaibergen's 12-minute work is dedicated to the unity of people on our planet.
The Story of One Sky is the title of Dimash Kudaibergen's new music video to be premiered at his fan meeting in Almaty on September 24, Kazinform reports.

Dimash Qudaibergen's 12-minute work is dedicated to the unity of people on our planet. We are all divided into races, nations and religions, but we are all children of one planet and live under one sky. Life is of the highest value. No sacred book calls for killing people. We must learn to be friends, to prevent the suffering of millions of children. The future of our planet and the future of people is in our hands, let there be peace in the world. We are children of one Home, one Earth, and one Heaven," a post on the singer’s Instagram account reads. 

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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