19.03.2021, 13:25 21646

Tourists must present PCR certificates before departure to all cities of Kazakhstan

Tourists must present PCR certificates before flying to all cities of Kazakhstan, the official Internet resource covering COVID-19 situation in Kazakhstan reports.

In order to prevent the spread and delivery of COVID-19 infection in Kazakhstan by tourist flights, the Interdepartmental Commission on Preventing the Emergence and Spread of Coronavirus recommends that tour operators of outbound tourism include in the tourist products the mandatory presence of a negative PCR test for the departure of tourists from the country," reads the report.

From March 20 the passengers departing from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Georgia, Zanzibar, the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Turkey must present a certificate of PCR testing in the time of check-in procedures.
The validity period of the COVID-19 PCR test is no more than 72 hours.

Source: KazTAG

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