02.08.2021, 14:16 16328

Tugzhanov: Epidemiological situation is extremely difficult

Deputy Prime Minister Yeraly Tugzhanov said about the extremely difficult epidemiological situation in Kazakhstan while the occupancy of beds in infectious diseases hospitals in the country has reached 54%, the press service of the Prime Minister said on Monday.

The epidemiological situation in the country is extremely difficult, 16 regions are in 'the red' zone . The occupancy of beds in infection hospitals of the country has reached 54%. The health care system is carrying twice the workload than last year. And managing the situation on the non-proliferation of coronavirus infection (CVI), understanding and assistance, in this matter, on the part of entrepreneurs, is a very important factor in the fight against the pandemic, " he said.

In his words, Ashyq project implemented on behalf of the President has shown its effectiveness.

Now more than 45 thousand business objects are involved in the Ashyq system, over 4 million users are registered. Since the implementation of the Ashyq project, more than 23 thousand offenders with the 'red' and 'yellow' (including 13,516 citizens with a positive PCR test and 9688 contacts) have been identified," he said.

Source: KazTAG

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