23.07.2021, 18:34 19804

Two million children to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in Kazakhstan with parental consent

Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aleksey Tsoi at a briefing at the CCS said that children will be vaccinated against coronavirus only with parental consent and the issue of compulsory vaccination of schoolchildren is not being considered.

It is very important for us to ensure the right of accessibility to vaccination, including for the child population. Our children should also receive the right to be vaccinated. We cannot name specific dates, since the vaccination process will be voluntary and with the informed consent of the population. There are many parents who ask to vaccinate children, but there are no such vaccines in Kazakhstan," Tsoi said.

“Two million children can be vaccinated, but another question is how many parents will express a desire to vaccinate their children. Vaccination of children will be voluntary”, Tsoi said.

Earlier it was reported that Kazakhstan is considering the issue of vaccination of children against coronavirus infection.

The Ministry of Health informed that an agreement has been reached on the supply of the Pfizer vaccine in the 4th quarter of this year.

Recall that the Pfizer vaccine is currently used to vaccinate children over 12 years old.

Source: Kazpravda.kz

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