26.08.2021, 10:36 10290

Unvaccinated students cannot stay in dorms

The dormitories will accommodate students who are vaccinated against COVID-19
In Kazakhstan, unvaccinated students will not be allowed to check into dormitories.
The chief state sanitary doctor of Kazakhstan, Yerlan Kiyasov, signed a resolution "On sanitary-anti-epidemic and sanitary-preventive measures to prevent coronavirus infection in educational institutions in 2021-2022 academic year."
According to the resolution:
the dormitories will accommodate students who are vaccinated against COVID-19 (students under 18 years of age can be accommodated, as well as those who have permanent medical contraindications and have had COVID-19 within the last 3 months), with a ban on the entry of unauthorized persons;
foreign students will be admitted to the full-time study format if they have:
- a full course of vaccination against COVID-19, confirmed by a certificate / vaccination passport by the authorized body of the country of residence;
- a negative PCR test for COVID-19, obtained no later than 3 days after crossing the State Border of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Source: Kazpravda.kz

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