27.09.2021, 18:44 33227

Vaccinated people account for 5% of Kazakhstan's COVID-19 deaths

482 people who were vaccinated against the coronavirus died in Kazakhstan from February 1 till August 31 of this year, Health Minister Alexei Tsoi said at a briefing on Monday.

From February 1 to the end of August of this year, the number of vaccinated citizens who died was 482, which is about 5% of the total number of deaths from coronavirus infection. It is very important to understand that the overwhelming majority of the deceased were unvaccinated," Tsoi said. 

As previously reported, in Kazakhstan, the number of deaths from coronavirus exceeded 11 thousand people. According to the minister, at present, the revaccination against CVI is under discussion with the study of world experience and the position of international organizations - WHO, CDC.

 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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