20.12.2021, 16:31 179236

Warning signals will sound in Kazakhstan

Warning signals will sound in Kazakhstan
Images | kgd.ru
On December 21, Kazakhstan will check the civil protection notification system, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan said on Monday.

On December 21, from 09.00 to 12.00, it is planned to conduct a republican check of the civil protection notification system. Alerting and informing the population about emergency situations is the main security measure that allows to protect residents from the negative consequences of any accident or destructive impact caused by the influence of various factors of natural phenomena", the message says.

During the check of the warning system the electric sirens and siren-speech devices (loudspeakers) to be switched on for a short time, as well as the television and radio channels to be intercepted, information on Internet resources and in mobile applications to be posted, Kazpravda reports.

Attention everyone!!!" sound signal is a warning signal that is given to attract the attention of the population before the transmission of all emergency messages in case of a threat or an emergency. When hearing the signal it is necessary to switch on a TV and radio, read information in the Internet and in mobile applications to receive instructions on further actions in this situation," the department informed.

Along with this, the serviceability of local warning systems at hazardous production facilities and hydraulic structures will be checked.
The republican check of the warning system is aimed at maintaining alert equipment and protecting the population from possible emergencies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations added.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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