14.12.2021, 14:03 157691

What vaccines to be used for revaccination in Kazakhstan

What vaccines to be used for revaccination in Kazakhstan
Images | 442fz.volganet.ru
Health Minister Alexei Tsoi said that the Sputnik Light vaccine will be used in Kazakhstan for revaccination.

We talked about Sputnik Light, and now we are discussing the issues of its delivery. We are considering two ways, which is faster - either to produce at our plant, or it will be faster to deliver," citing Tsoi Kazpravda.kz.

Kazakhstanis who want to be revaccinated against COVID report that basically only the QazVac vaccine (QazCovid-in) is available to them. The Minister of Health commented on this situation.

Sputnik" cannot be injected, there are two different components. Only those vaccines are injected that have an identical component. Sputnik has different first and second components. Accordingly, for revaccination in Kazakhstan, vaccines are used that have identical first and second components. QazVac belongs to such a vaccine - its first and second doses are identical in composition," Tsoi explained, answering journalists' questions.

According to him, 136 thousand people were vaccinated against coronavirus in Kazakhstan.
Earlier, Tsoi said that anyone who has completed a full course of vaccination at least six months ago can undergo a revaccination against coronavirus from December 8.
 This information may not be reproduced without reference to Kazakhstan Today. Copyright of materials of News Agency Kazakhstan Today.
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