15.04.2021, 17:11 21577

Whether Kazakhstanis to have a day off after vaccination against COVID-19

Vaccination is carried out in two stages - the second dose is given 21 days after the first.
During a briefing at the CCS, Vice Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Birzhanov answered the question whether it is planned to give a day off to Kazakhstanis who were vaccinated against coronavirus infection.

Yes, now there is a mass vaccination. This is a very necessary measure, because further activity of any enterprise, even in our organization, depends on the number of vaccinated. We are actively vaccinated, and the employee returns to his workplace. The tasks are big. Concerning poor health, probably, there are not so many such people," Birzhanov said.

He recalled that each organism is individual.

If any side effects occur, time is given - 30 minutes after vaccination, a person is under observation. If there are any negative moments, a person can consult a doctor. If he goes to a doctor and symptoms are detected, he can get a sick leave. This is all considered individually. As for a day off for all - such a question, I think, is not very actual," Birzhanov said.

Recall, on February 1, a voluntary phased vaccination of the population was launched in Kazakhstan.
Vaccination is carried out in two stages - the second dose is given 21 days after the first.
Source: Kazpravda.kz

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