06.09.2024, 21:33 26741

Winners of Mereili otbasy national contest honored in Astana

Winners of Mereili otbasy national contest honored in Astana
Images | Kazakh Culture and Information Ministry
A solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the Mereili otbasy national contest took place ahead of the Family Day in Astana, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s congratulation letter addressed to the winners was read out by Senate Speaker Maulen Ashimbayev.

In his letter, President Tokayev highlighted the importance of supporting the institution of family in building Just Kazakhstan.

The President pointed out that the country attaches special attention to this area, as systemic measures are under implementation.

Mereili otbasy is a unique project, that became a tradition. It further promotes the national values of our people. Our shared task is to instill in the younger generation the love for the sacred traditions of our ancestors. Each family can involve in this important mission. There are many dynasties, whose honest work can be a shining example for following, the testament to which is today’s event. The victory of each family in this contest can be regarded with confidence as the achievement of our entire people, reads the congratulatory letter.

Addressing those present, Senate Speaker Ashimbayev noted that the Head of State always stressed the crucial contribution of the family institution to the formation of a new quality of the nation.

President Tokayev pays priority attention to the strengthening of the family institution, protection of motherhood and childhood, promotion of a robust values system in the society. In his address, the Head of State focused on these issues, initiating a set of new social initiatives, aimed at increasing the well-being of our citizens. I’m convinced that all these measures will contribute to greater wellbeing of each Kazakhstani family, said Ashimbayev.

This year’s 11th edition of the Mereili otbasy national contest saw 3,369 applications submitted by families from all regions of the country.

You are the backbone of our nation! You’re making a huge contribution to our country’s prosperity, conservation of our national and family values!, said Culture and Information Minister Aida Balayeva.

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