24.01.2024, 10:16 34841

Amir Omarkhanov is the first Kazakh to reach the Australian Open Junior quarterfinals

Amir Omarkhanov is the first Kazakh to reach the Australian Open Junior quarterfinals
Images | KTF press-service
Amir Omarkhanov, a trainee of the Karaganda tennis school and the world’s No. 27 among juniors, has made it to the Australian Open Junior quarterfinals, KTF press-service reports.

In the third round, the Kazakh beat the world’s No. 26 among juniors, South Korean Jangjun Kim. The first set ended 6:3 in favor of Amir, in the second set Kim took over - 7:5. In the last third set, Omarkhanov won with the crushing defeat, 6:0, in 19 minutes.

To advance to the semifinals, Amir will compete against Mees Rottgering from the Netherlands (ITF Juniors’ 25th).

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